Design, Planning, Implementation.


Sediment Solutions provides clients our extensive expertise in the use of activated carbon for in-situ sediment remediation.  Our founders and co-owners, Drs. Upal Ghosh and Charles Menzie, are recognized experts in the environmental sciences and engineering fields.

Dr. Ghosh performed some of the foundational research behind the use of activated carbon for in-situ sediment remediation while an Engineering Research Associate and Lecturer at Stanford University.  He continued this research after becoming a Professor at UMBC in 2007 and has published over 50 articles in the scientific literature on the topic, as well as performing dozens of innovative research projects using activated carbon, biofilms, and passive samplers to assess and remediate sediment contaminants.

Dr. Menzie has over 40 years of experience in environmental consulting and is regarded as a primary expert in the fields of ecological risk assessment and causal analysis for evaluating the environmental fate and effects of chemical contaminants.  Dr. Menzie has co-authored many of the publications considered to be fundamental to the use of activated carbon for in-situ remediation of sediments.

Our combined experience provides clients with unrivaled expertise in performing sediment remediation projects using activated carbon, from selecting the correct activated carbon for the site-specific contaminants, designing and implementing a scientifically viable pilot study, to installing the remedy.