Activated carbon delivered as required.


In-situ sediment remediation using activated carbon is most appropriate for sites where the site conditions do not clearly require removal or capping.  Low chemical concentrations, low bioavailability, sensitive habitat, or near existing infrastructure are examples.

SediMite™ is designed to cause minimal environmental impact for delivering activated carbon to surficial sediments for in-situ remediation.  It may be applied to lakes, ponds, wetlands, streams, rivers, or estuaries.  SediMite has been shown to cause minimal impacts on the benthic community and sediment characteristics, making it ideal for use for Enhanced Monitored Natural Restoration (EMNR) or as an alternative to dredging and capping.



Low Effort, Low Impact Delivery

The high activated carbon content of SediMite pellets allows for effective dosing using relatively little material.  The initial layer of SediMite required to dose six inches of contaminated sediment to 5% activated carbon is often a half-inch or less, making SediMite ideal for application to sensitive environments such as wetlands, floodplains, SAV beds, and navigable waters.

Retention and Incorporation

Activated carbon delivered via SediMite is bound within the pellet matrix.  Slow break-down allows the activated carbon to become mixed within the contaminated sediment column via natural processes such as bioturbation and sediment accretion.


Activated Carbon Caps

SediMite provides a ready solution for installing sediment caps with fine granular activated carbon.  SediMite pellets are easily handled and mixed with sand for caps where activated carbon alone would be impossible.

Reactive Barrier

SediMite may be used to form a reactive barrier between contaminated sediment and a sand cap.  At 50% powdered activated carbon, even a thin layer of SediMite™ will provide a highly adsorbtive layer to prevent the movement of chemicals in contaminated sediment or groundwater into the overlying environment.